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Emergency Closure Procedures

School Closure Procedures 2023-2024

Severe Weather

In the event of adverse weather or hazardous travelling conditions the school will always seek to remain open with closure always being considered as the last resort. School will only close if there is a risk to pupils and staff and it is considered unsafe to open.

We recognise that conditions may prevent staff and pupils from travelling to school and whilst there is an expectation that staff and pupils should make every reasonable effort to attend, personal health and safety should not be compromised.

If the school has to close due to severe weather this will be announced as early as possible via the following;

We will make all practicable efforts to keep parents informed as to the situation with school during adverse weather conditions as we appreciate that such conditions and uncertainty places considerable difficulties upon parents.

We appreciate that during bad weather pupils may arrive later than normal. Parents should endeavour to contact the attendance office to report that they are on their way if they are likely to be delayed.

Parents acting on the assumption that school will be closed without gaining confirmation, or failing to inform the school of the circumstances that prevent their child coming into school risk their child being registered as an unauthorised absence.

If the school has to close due to severe weather, school work will be set online for pupils.

Closure During the School Day

Should weather conditions deteriorate during the school day when pupils are already at school and it becomes necessary for pupils to leave school early, parents will be notified via the InTouch email and text messages and the website will be updated.

If school remains open, pupils will not be allowed to leave without parental permission. We understand that due to the nature of the Rossendale valley weather may be more severe in other areas and parents may wish for their children to leave early.  This permission can be only given verbally by calling the school main phone line – please do not email or call the attendance phone line, as messages may not be picked up.  Once parental permission is given, pupils will be called from class to the general office/reception where they will be given a ‘Snow Sign Out Pass’. The pupil must then go to the attendance office and using the pass to show parental permission has been given, they can legitimately sign out and leave school.

Other Reasons for Closure

These procedures will also be instigated where school has to close due to other issues such as failure of utilities (water, electricity or gas), breakdown of major equipment (e.g. boiler) or other emergencies.

Who Will Make the Decision to Close School

The decision for the school to close can only be made by the Headteacher.

If the school site may not be able to open (unable to make the site safe/ heating, electrical or water problem and/or the roads unpassable), the site supervisor unlocking school that morning will contact the Headteacher at 6am to advise them of the problem. 

If the decision to close is made,

  • The Headteacher will contact the Chair of Governors, Romero Trust CEO and the School Operations Manager.
  • The Head teacher will contact local radio stations to advise of the closure.
  • The School Operations Manager will send text messages to staff and pupils advising them that school is shut and will ensure there are messages put on the school website/Facebook. 
  • The School Operations Manager will advise LCC of the unavoidable closure.   
  • It is requested that Line Managers contact members of their team to ensure they are aware of the closure.