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About Us

Picture of our Headteacher, Mrs F Lord

Welcome to the family of All Saints’; I feel extremely proud and privileged to be taking up the post of Headteacher at All Saints’, leading the school on the next stage in its journey. My vision for All Saints’ is to deliver a world class Catholic education for all and be the beating heart of the Catholic community in the Rossendale Valley.

Students at All Saints’ deserve to experience a broad and balanced curriculum that enables them to excel academically. Alongside this, the Catholic faith is to be taught, lived and celebrated so our students leave ready and willing to be the ‘next generation of the stewards of God’s creation.’

Therefore, we have extremely high expectations and standards with regards to uniform, attendance and punctuality for every student that is part of the All Saints’ community. How the pupils wear their uniform is a reflection of their mindset. If students are in correct uniform, on time and equipped, they are demonstrating their determination to succeed.

Likewise, good attendance is vital for your child to make the most of every learning opportunity to enable them to reach their full potential, as well as equipping your child for their journey through life. Missing school will make that journey much more difficult. Similarly, punctuality is critical in ensuring your child takes full advantage of their learning time in school. Students must ensure that they are on time for the start of the school day and for all lessons in school. Students must be on school site by 8.20am to ensure they are at their Form Room for the start of the school day at 8.30am.

Our home school partnership is of the utmost importance; parents are a student’s first educators and the first introduction to a family. By working together to reinforce our expectations and why they are important for life beyond school we, as a partnership, are united in our aim of supporting our students in all aspects of their educational journey.

Thank you for your support and I look forward to working closely with you on our united mission to develop our students God given talents and the skills to lead positive change in our world by living and breathing our school motto of ‘Luceat Lux Vestra’.

Values and Ethos

Our Mission statement: All Saints’ is a school where the Catholic faith is taught, lived and celebrated. We will educate the whole person spiritually, morally and intellectually. We embrace Catholic values in all we do and in all our relationships. We will identify and cater for the individual student’s needs and prepare them for responsible participation in society. Our aim is to follow Christ's teaching, as found in the Gospels, in everything we do. Our school motto summarises our Mission Statement. It is known, lived and witnessed throughout the school and has a significant impact on learning and the life of the school.

Please find more information about our school's ethos & values in our prospectus.

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