Collective Worship
Collective Worship is integral to our existence as a school and is something that distinguishes us from other schools. Our Mission Statement says that part of our role is to educate our pupils spiritually and that we follow Christ’s teaching in everything we do.
Providing pupils with the opportunity to engage in prayer and reflection through our Masses, Liturgies, Catholic Social Teaching Days, Assemblies or as part of our morning and end of day ritual, enables pupils to have sacred time with God and for God and to develop their relationship with Him thus drawing closer to Him. The ‘themes of the week’ that we use during our form time prayers follow the Diocesan Calendar and Church’s Liturgical Year.
There is every opportunity for prayer within mass, liturgies, staff briefings and form time. Collective worship epitomises our beliefs and values and reminds us why we do what we do as members of this Catholic community.
Our School Prayer
Lord Jesus,
Strengthen us to care and to stand up for what is right. Help us respect others for what they are to create more understanding, not less. Help us appreciate the gifts we have been given to resolve conflict. Inspire us to work for progress, peace and justice and to respect the dignity of all your children.
Daily Collective Worship
Collective worship is an essential element of the school day. We believe that it is vital to begin each day and end each day in prayer. Each year group has one formal collective worship (assembly) and four form worships during the week. The theme of the week is explored throughout the whole week and pupils take a reflective ‘journey’ through the week.
Each Form class follows a set structure;
• Gather – The week begins by form classes gathering together and introducing the theme of the week which is then discussed and reflected upon.
• Word – The Gospel readings of the week are read, explored and explained. Pupils then reflect on how these are important in their own lives.
• Respond – A reflection or meditation-based task is delivered, inviting pupils to reflect on the theme of the week and respond on how it relates to their everyday life.
• Send – Pupils are sent out to live out the theme of the week in their everyday actions.
Other examples of Collective Worship
• Collective worship is led by a senior member of staff or a Pastoral Leader for each year group as part of a weekly assembly.
• The school day begins with Form worship which is delivered by the form tutor and follows the weekly structure explained above. Form worship always includes a prayer.
• The school day ends with a short appropriate prayer which incorporates a range of traditional and modern prayers.
• Special assemblies are prepared to celebrate the major liturgical seasons. E.g. Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter.
Masses At All Saints’
Welcome Mass – Whole School
October Valley Mass
All Saints’ Day Mass – Whole School (or liturgy depending on availability of Clergy)
Lenten Valley Mass
Easter Mass – Whole School.
Year 11 Leavers Mass
Remembrance Day Service 11.11.24
We have an annual Remembrance Service to remember those who have fought in war and campaigned for the freedoms that we have today. Miss Padwell organised this service with members of the student leadership team. Pupils entered to a guard of honour of pupils had attended school in the uniform of appropriate organisations – scouts/ guides/ cadets of the armed forces. We were led in a presentation of readings, prayers and reflections by pupils from the Student Leadership Team. To end our service, we were led in the ‘Last Post’ by a former student, Leo Stemp, before carrying out a two minute silence.
The following students led us in our prayers and readings:
• Bella Culbert
• Stanley Lumb
• Theo Ormerod
• Honey Rawstron
• Stanley Udo
Rossendale Catholic Schools Advent Service
All Saints’ and our partner primary schools have come together to retell the Christmas Story. Please see the link below: