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Personnel Welcome & Induction

Welcome & Induction Pack

Welcome to All Saints'!

We all take responsibility for promote safeguarding and health and safety of those in our community.

Please read the following information carefully to enable you to do so during your time at All Saints' Roman Catholic High School.

We ask that all visitors sign our Contractor and Visitor Induction Folder on arrival, to confirm you have read and understood our welcome information.

Getting to us

Ask your SatNav to take you to:

All Saints' Roman Catholic High School, a Voluntary Academy
Haslingden Road, Rawtenstall, Lancashire, BB4 6SJ

Arriving on-site

Please be aware that parking on site is extremely limited - it is generally preferable for visitors to park on the road and to walk down to the school.

Please 'buzz' at the gates for admission - please explain who you are, and who you are visiting - and follow the drive all the way around the front of the building to the main reception.

Find your way around school

Aerial satellite image of school grounds

Room plan diagramWelcome Leaflet

This leaflet refers to:
  • Staff (personnel with a school contract and paid by school);
  • Visitors (may include governors, agency staff, contractors, families and others).

Policies and guidance documents are available on this website; the shared staff drive (I > School Policies > Policies), or on request from the SBM. Key documents are available in the Visitor and Contractor Induction Folder.


Staff and visitors must act in accordance with the school’s mission statement, and according to safeguarding and health and safety expectations.

Visitors should:

  • follow directions and sign in at the main reception;
  • show photo ID when signing in;
  • wear their visitor badge at all times;
  • wear a mask, keep their distance, and regularly hand sanitise to prevent potential virus spread;
  • be escorted by school staff while on the premises (the only exceptions are for personnel who have undergone a safeguarding check with the SBM, or on open days when staff are supervising visitors across the site);
  • ask for advice if you are unsure about anything;
  • report to, and sign out at, the main reception on completion of your visit.

Please do not:

  • talk or make physical conduct with students (unless explicitly agreed with school staff, as part of the purpose of your visit);
  • share (give or receive) personal information with students;
  • use personal mobile devices in the presence of students;
  • move around the school, or work with students, without supervision.

Staff and regular visitors should ensure they are familiar with the Code Of Conduct.


The School’s Designated Safeguarding Leads are Hannah Laverty and Laura Starkie.

If you have a safeguarding concern, please:

  • Report it immediately to your supervising staff member or Reception, who will inform the DSL.
  • Write it down (in pen, and sign and date the note,) and hand this to the School Operations Manager or Head’s PA, to record.
  • When speaking to students do not ask leading questions or investigate, and never promise confidentiality – explain that you need to tell an appropriate member of school staff.

All staff and regular visitors must receive a safeguarding induction - this may take the form of face-to-face training, or reading the Safeguarding Induction Pack.

School staff must read Keeping Children Safe In Education Part 1; Guidance on Safer Working Practice; Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy; Code of Conduct; Whistleblowing Policy. Regular visitors are also encouraged to read these documents.

Health and Safety, and Security

The School’s Health and Safety Officer is Mrs Kate Hodson.

All staff and regular visitors must undertake a Health and Safety induction, and read the Health and Safety Policy.

Evacuation procedures are on the back of visitor badges, and on the large yellow posters in every room. Please speak to a member of staff about specific fire evacuation procedures for the area you will be working in.

Our emergency evacuation signal is the fire alarm.

On discovering a fire or incident, please raise the alarm at the red call points.

Upon hearing the alarm sound please follow the emergency signage and make your way out of the building, to assemble on the playground.

All staff and visitors must ensure they are familiar with risk assessments relating to their activities (I > Archive > Risk Assessments).

As a minimum visitors should review the risk assessments covering ‘Coronavirus’, ‘Premises’ and ‘Visitors’.

The school has a number of first aid trained staff, who are listed on posters around school.

In an emergency please contact Reception (internal extension 202) or the General Office (internal extension 262) for assistance.

The school premises contain areas of asbestos, which are kept safe through our Asbestos Management Plan.

No-one should disturb the fabric of the building (i.e. drill holes, or move ceiling tiles) without consulting the Asbestos Management Plan and signing the Register.

In some areas specific signage may give additional direction to premises users.

Further information should be sought from the SBM or H&S Officer.

School Life

The Staff Handbook, produced annually, contains a wealth of information which is useful for new visitors, including who’s-who, maps and timetables.

If you have any queries or concerns relating to your visit to our school, please ask the Receptionist who will guide you to the appropriate person to assist you.


Tea, coffee, milk and sugar are provided for staff in the Staff Room. Chilled water is available from the dispenser in the dining hall. Staff and visitors are encouraged to bring their own mugs and water bottles for personal use.

Staff and Visitors may order from the canteen using our online pre-order form (link below).

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If any staff or visitors require wifi access they should ask at Reception for the Network Manager.

Staff and Regular Visitors' Induction Pack

All new personnel (staff, regular agency and contract staff, placement students, regular volunteers) should read our induction and complete the induction declarations below.

See our Policy page:

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Additional Health & Safety documents
Declaration Forms

Details about how we process your personal data is available in the Information Governance Handbook on the Policies page of our website.

External Employers
Assurance of Safer Recruitment processes for organisations who send personnel into All Saints'.

When we have individuals coming into school we check their ID, run safeguarding and background checks, and put them through a safeguarding induction.

When external organisations send multiple staff into school (such as supply agencies; cleaning contractors; family centres, NHS or LCC), we need to ascertain that all of those individuals have been through the same Safer Recruitment processes as we would apply to our own staff.

To do this we can ask these organisations to give us a safer recruitment letter and/or checklist, that confirms all necessary processes have been completed.

We would then record this information on our Single Central Record, and file it accordingly.

To make this as easy as possible, there are template documents below which can be downloaded and adapted.