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Romero CAT Policies

A number of policies governing school practice - including most staffing policies and GDPR policies - are set at Trust level, and can be found on the Trust website.

Privacy Notices for organisations who process data on our behalf:

If you require a paper copy of any of our school policies, please contact the school office.

All Saints' Policies

If you have any comments or feedback regarding our updated Relationships, Sex and Health Education policy (available below), which is the model secondary policy as created by Salford Diocese, please complete this form.

  1. Accessibility Plan 2023-2026
    PDF File
  2. Allergy Management Policy 2023-2025
    PDF File
  3. Anti-bullying policy 2024-2025
    PDF File
  4. Assessment Policy 2024-2027
    PDF File
  5. Attendance Policy 2023-2025
    PDF File
  6. Behaviour policy 2023-2025
    PDF File
  7. Careers Policy 2024-2026
    PDF File
  8. CCTV Policy 2023-2026 - approved 21-03-2023
    PDF File
  9. Children With Health Needs Who Cannot Attend School 2024-2026
    PDF File
  10. Code Of Conduct for Governors 2020-2023
    PDF File
  11. Collective worship 2024-2027
    PDF File
  12. Communications Policy 2024-2027
    PDF File
  13. Determined Admissions Policy - RCAT Secondary 2023-2024 - AS
    PDF File
  14. Determined Admissions Policy - RCAT Secondary 2024-2025 - AS
    PDF File
  15. Determined Admissions Policy - RCAT Secondary 2025-2026 - AS
    PDF File
  16. Digital Communications Policy 2024-2027
    PDF File
  17. Educational Off Site Visits Policy & Guidelines 2022-2025
    PDF File
  18. English as an Additional Language (EAL) Policy 2024-2027
    PDF File
  19. Feedback Policy 2023-2026
    PDF File
  20. Health and Safety Policy 2023-2024
    PDF File
  21. Homework Policy - 2023-2026 - approved LGB 28-11-23
    PDF File
  22. Induction Policy 2019-2022
    PDF File
  23. Keeping Children Safe In Education 2023
    PDF File
  24. Lost Property Procedure 2022-2025
    PDF File
  25. Online Safety (E-Safety) Policy 2021-2024
    PDF File
  26. Policy Statement on Provider Access Statement - Feb 2024
    PDF File
  27. Privacy Notice - Parents - September 2024
    PDF File
  28. Privacy Notice - Pupils - September 2024
    PDF File
  29. RCAT - All Saints' Data Breach Procedure - November 2023
    PDF File
  30. RCAT - Complaints Policy - Version 4 - September 2023
    PDF File
  31. RCAT - Data Protection Policy - Version 1 - November 2023
    PDF File
  32. RCAT - Subject Access Request Policy - Version 1 - November 2023
    PDF File
  33. Relationships, Sex and Health Education Policy 2024-2026
    PDF File
  34. Safeguarding and CP Policy 2023-2024 - approved 19-9-23
    PDF File
  35. SEN Information Report 2023-2024
    PDF File
  36. Single Equalities Policy 2023-2026
    PDF File
  37. Smoke Free Policy 2024-2027 - approved 25-06-2024
    PDF File
  38. Special Educational Needs Policy 2023-2024
    PDF File
  39. Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions policy 2024-2027
    PDF File
  40. Teaching and Learning Policy 2023-2025
    PDF File
  41. Uniform Policy 2023-2024
    PDF File
  42. Use of reasonable force advice - July 2013
    PDF File