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Year 6 to 7 Transition

Welcome to all our future Year 7 pupils and families - we are looking forward to meeting you soon!

Please follow the links below for useful information about joining our school.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Pupils' First Days at School In September 2024

Dear Year 7 families, 
Please find below a few notes to (hopefully) make everything run smoothly during your child's first days at All Saints'. 
Our normal school times are, starting at 8.30am and finishing at 2.40pm. 
Our term dates for the coming year are available here:
Pupils can find a map showing them how to access the site below. 
You can find information about local bus services here:

Pupils are expected to be in full school uniform every day, and information about uniform is available here:
Pupils can bring in a packed lunch from home, or can purchase food from our canteen.  
Information about payment for school catering is available here:
If any families need any additional information please email us at, or leave a voicemail at our switchboard 01706 213 693, and we will respond as quickly as we can. 
Best wishes - we look forward to seeing you all in September! 
All Saints' Staff Team 

Coming Into School

Follow the blue access routes to get into school. 

On their first days Year 7s should make their way to the Year 7 Yard and wait for the bell to sound.

Teachers will meet pupils to lead them to their classrooms.

Aerial photograph of school showing the pupil entrance

Diagram of school room layoutPupils may also wish to look at our Pupil Welcome page:

Pupil and Family Data Collection

Information about our school

School Uniform

Catering and Free School Meals


Bus Services To School